Utility Function

Utility Function


Alert is used to display a message in the browser. alkert.jpg


Confirm is used to ask user consent before perform any action.

  • It shows a message with two button Cancel and Ok
  • true(When you click Ok)
  • false(When you click Cancel) confirm.jpg


Prompt is used to take input from the user.

  • It shows two button Ok and Cancel.
  • clicking Ok user give the information that the user added as result.
  • Prompt always written a string value



Used to display any message in the browser.

console.log("Hello World") 
Hello World
  • These function are used to fix Error in the code.

  • We Usaually use console.log to fix the error in the code

  • We can also pass multiple value of any value type.like string and number and it will display one next to Each Other.